All-About Series Age 1-3 years

by in Uncategorized March 19, 2024!AvQ4_S_0TBfLw1MdG7viTmDqX34V?e=EiJnpv&nav=eyJzSWQiOjI1NiwiY0lkIjozNDM3MzQ3MzY0fQ

All About Series 0-12 months

by in Uncategorized January 29, 2024!AvQ4_S_0TBfLwxORB0V3PPV_ko-N?e=J9xJPq&nav=eyJzSWQiOjI1Nn0

My Baby Won’t Sleep

by in Uncategorized September 13, 2023

The best sleep/wake schedule for an infant depends on their age, developmental stage, and individual needs, but there are some general guidelines that can help you establish a healthy sleep […]

“I Once Knew A Man” A Virtual Children’s Book

by in Uncategorized August 23, 2023

For your enjoyment … Brought to you by Dr Willy.  (turn the volume up to hear the sound effects)   Made with Visme

Podcast #2 – Mental Health in Children and Teens ft. Josh Warren, MD

by in Uncategorized July 21, 2023

Dr. Billy Nesmith · J Warren – Mental Health – Podcast 2 Final – 72123, 10.37 AM

Sleep — Do you get enough??

by in Uncategorized July 11, 2023

The amount of sleep required for children varies depending on their age. Here are the general recommendations for the number of hours of sleep children should aim for per night: […]

Podcast#1 — Money Matters feat. Chad Castle

by in Uncategorized June 19, 2023

Summer Vacation Traveling

by in Uncategorized May 24, 2023

Stanford Medicine blog: Traveling with an Infant or Toddler? Tips for a Healthy, Happy Summer Vacation. June 25, 2019 | Stacy Rollo, Angie Lucia FAMILY-CENTERED CARE, PEDIATRICS. Summer vacations are fun for every age—as […]

ABC’s of AD(h)D powerpoint

by in Uncategorized May 22, 2023

Check out the link below to see our full presentation on AD(h)D!!7337&ithint=file%2cpptx&authkey=!Aup6pLLXvfhryFk  

All About Sunscreen

by in Uncategorized April 20, 2023

Children should use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF (sun protection factor) of at least 30. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that parents choose a sunscreen that contains zinc […]
